If the item that was shipped to you was harmed in transit, you can return it.
Within four days of receiving your order, send us a picture of the damaged bowl along with the specifics, and we'll send you a free replacement. Send the photographs to thecocoshopindia@gmail.com or to the number 9966063344.
There are no exceptions to our return and exchange policies for anything that The Cocoshop directly sells to you. This page will reflect any changes to the policy.
Refunds, exchanges, and returns are at the website provider's discretion. Exchanges and refunds are typically declined due to the nature of the products sold on the Site.
Email or WhatsApp should be used to submit an exchange or return request, referencing Send an image of the item and your order number to thecocoshopindia@gmail.com. Please be aware that returned or exchanged goods (where we allow a return or exchange) should keep their original labels. Damaged or unlabeled goods will be returned to the customer without payment.